Hi and Welcome!

This is my original site, created in 1998 to share what I was learning about AM with everyone. At the time AM was being adopted and developed along the East Coast, particularly Victoria and New South Wales where I was doing a lot of work but, because of distance, it was difficult for those in Western Australia to keep abreast of these developments as I discovered when I conducted the first of the International AM competitions in 1996. So, with encouragement from the WA Valuer-General and some financial help from the WA Government I set up the amqi.com website. There were only a few web developers at that time so this first site was designed for me by Aaron, the very bright 13 year old son of my PhD student, Neville Binning.  Of course, it has been re-created many times since, and this is its latest iteration.

Here I want to share what I have done over the last 40 years, at least that part which is possibly useful today and already digitised.This you will find in “Archives”. 

The Blog is my new venture – I will be to looking at the overlap of infrastructure asset management with other fields of inquiry to see what we can learn from them and hopefully to move forward working together. The blog is the place for thoughts, ideas, possibilities and you are invited to be part of the exploration.

When these ideas solidify into something coherent and we write them up as an article, it will appear in “Current Work”.  All who take part will be acknowledged (unless, of course, you ask me not to!)